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Gut Check XL

£ 269,95

The "Gut Check XL" test is perfect for those who want to address their health at a deep level. Whether you suffer from digestive issues like IBS/IBD, Crohn's disease, or ulcerative colitis; have weight problems; experience diseases like Parkinson's or Alzheimer's; face depression; have other unclear problems where you can't find the cause; or simply want to optimize your health; you'll get answers about any imbalances in your gut.

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Description of Gut Check XL

Gut Check XL - A Comprehensive Intestinal Examination

The Gut Check XL is a comprehensive intestinal examination where you can get information about leaky gut, overgrowth of yeast fungi (including Candida), levels of the most commonly occurring bacteria in the gut such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. The test also analyzes how your digestion works, whether you suffer from malabsorption or any residual products in the digestive process.

What is leaky gut?

Leaky gut is a condition where microscopic holes form in the intestinal mucosa, allowing small particles like undigested food, bacteria, and other substances to leak into the bloodstream. Normally, these particles are not meant to be there, so the immune system perceives them as threats and responds by attacking various tissues in the body. Depending on where this happens, it can result in various diseases, such as hypo/hyperthyroidism, psoriasis, multiple sclerosis, allergies, IBS, fatigue, and many other autoimmune diseases.

If leaky gut is not treated, it can lead to a range of symptoms such as food intolerances, stomach troubles, fatigue, brain fog, weakened immune system, skin issues, joint problems, depression, and much more. Since you can't feel if you have a leaky gut, it might take time before understanding it could be the cause of various problems. It's thus crucial to test for leaky gut in the presence of many different diseases and symptoms.

How does the test work?

The test is a stool test that you collect at home and then send to the laboratory for analysis. Once you've ordered the test, we send a test kit to your home with everything you need to take the sample. You'll receive the result in digital format.

Gut Check XL analyzes the following 13 gut flora bacteria:

  • Bifidobacterium
  • Lactobacillus
  • Clostridium
  • Klebsiella
  • Escherichia coli
  • Escherichia coli Biovar
  • Proteus
  • Pseudomonas
  • Enterobacter
  • Serratia
  • Hafnia
  • Enterococcus
  • Bacteriodes

Gut Check XL analyzes the following 4 yeasts:

  • Candida
  • Candida albicans
  • Yeasts (positive or negative)
  • Geotrichum candidum

Gut Check XL also analyzes:

  • pH value
  • Zonulin
  • Histamine
  • Residual products
  • Secretory IgA
  • F-elastase
  • Bile acids
  • Alpha-1 antitrypsin
  • Calprotectin
Kerstin asked 8 months ago
Hej! Om man redan uteslutit flera ”problem” födoämnen blir resultatet riktigt? Jag har sedan 2-3 v uteslutit gluten, alla korn, mjölkprodukter, koffein, alkohol, nightshade grönsaker. Har det något att säga? Är diagnostiserad med en Autoimmun sjukdom.
The store replied

Hej Kerstin och tack för ditt meddelande.

Ett test kan ändå ge dig väldigt många svar. Vill du se en exempelrapport för detta test så hittar du det här, detta är på engelska men kommer att visas på valfritt språk sen när du får rapporten.

https://nyehandel-storage.s3.eu-north-1.amazonaws.com/store_50a03e96-35fd-4049-98b4-02d88d6c9f28/files/media/Sample Report Tarmkollen XL - 07-06-2023 - Dummy-12.pdf

Med vänliga hälsningar,

øyvind asked 9 months ago
Er denne testen den mest omfattende tarmsjekken i markedet ? Tester den også parasitter ?
The store replied

Hello Øyvind and thank you for reaching out.

This test test for alot of different Gut Microbiome such as Parasites, here you can check out the a sample report with a "dummy test" to see what parameters we are testing. The test is in english but will be in your preffered language once you take the test.
https://nyehandel-storage.s3.eu-north-1.amazonaws.com/store_50a03e96-35fd-4049-98b4-02d88d6c9f28/files/media/Sample Report Tarmkollen XL - 07-06-2023 - Dummy-12.pdf

If you are looking for a test that just test for Parasites you can check out our parasite test here.

Kind regards,

Karina Rathleff Dyva asked 10 months ago
Hvordan vil prøven vise om man har lækage i tarmene?
The store replied


This test tests for Leaky gut (Zonulin).

Here you can read a Sample Report of the Leaky Gut Test, it is in English but you will get it in your language when making the test :)

https://nyehandel-storage.s3.eu-north-1.amazonaws.com/store_50a03e96-35fd-4049-98b4-02d88d6c9f28/files/media/Sample Report - 02-21-2024 - Leaky Gut Test.pdf

Kind regards,

Carola Andersson asked 1 year ago
Analyserar även pH-värdet. Vilket pH-värde? Magsyrans ph-värde eller något annat? Om det inte är magsyran så har ni något test för magsyrans pH-värde?
The store replied

Hej Carola och tack för ditt meddelande,

Det är för pH-värdet i tjocktarmen. Vi testar inte för magsyra specifikt men vi testar för matsmältningsrester varav bl.a. protein och även allmän matsmältningsfunktion.

Hoppas att detta besvarade din funderingar.

Med vänliga hälsningar,

Mikaela - Nordictest