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Neurotransmitters Plus

£ 225,49

Neurotransmitters play a crucial role in our emotions, behaviors, and states. For instance, depression can be directly linked to our neurotransmitters. Whether the stress is psychological, physical, or mental, it typically affects the balance of our neurotransmitters. The test below measures the levels of serotonin, dopamine, GABA, glutamic acid/glutamate, adrenaline, and noradrenaline to give an insight into how these neurotransmitters are regulated.

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Description of Neurotransmitters Plus

How Neurotransmitters Affect Our Emotions and Behaviors

Neurotransmitters play a crucial role in our emotions, behaviors, and overall mood, and imbalances in these chemicals can be linked to conditions such as depression. Stress, whether it is of a psychological, physical, or mental nature, often impacts the balance of neurotransmitters in our nervous system. Neurotransmitters, also referred to as brain chemicals, are molecules that transmit nerve signals between the nerve cells of the body.

GABA - The Calming Neurotransmitter

GABA is the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter in our central nervous system. It plays a vital role in dampening our response to stress and is essential for good sleep, regulating appetite, blood pressure, and reducing anxiety. GABA is derived from glutamic acid.

Glutamic Acid/Glutamate - The Excitatory Neurotransmitter

Glutamic acid/glutamate is crucial for cognition, learning, memory, and motor function. It's the primary excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain and is present in abundance. Glutamate is necessary for the transmission of nerve signals between cells. Under prolonged stress, glutamic acid levels can become elevated.

Serotonin - The Well-being Neurotransmitter

Serotonin is a significant neurotransmitter for our well-being and is also the precursor to melatonin, needed for sleep, and an antagonist to cortisol. Serotonin affects not only our mood but also our sleep, intestinal peristalsis, appetite, and blood pressure. Low levels of serotonin can be associated with conditions like obesity, depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, obsessive thoughts/behaviors, and migraines. Stress impacts serotonin levels, which can either be increased or decreased.

Dopamine - The Driving Force Behind Motivation and Reward

Dopamine is essential for motivation, focus, and cognition. It is often referred to as the "reward hormone" because it gives us a feeling of well-being when present at the right levels. Low levels of dopamine can lead to depression, impaired motor function, obsessive thoughts, and addictive behaviors. In Parkinson's disease, dopamine production decreases, leading to tremors. Excessively high levels of dopamine can lead to memory issues, anxiety, hyperactivity, and mood swings. There's also a connection between substance abuse and dopamine, as abuse can impact the brain's reward system.

Adrenaline and Noradrenaline - Stress Response and Activity

Adrenaline is produced in the adrenal medulla and affects our mental activity, heart rate, and blood pressure. Situations perceived as threatening or stressful can trigger the release of adrenaline. Noradrenaline is considered an activating neurotransmitter and affects blood pressure. Along with dopamine, noradrenaline has a positive effect on motivation, focus, and motor function.

The Sample and Analysis

To measure the levels of these neurotransmitters, one can perform a simple urine test at home. The urine sample is collected in the morning during the second urination. The sample is then sent to a lab for analysis, and the results with your neurotransmitter levels are provided in digital format. This can give a general picture of how your neurotransmitters are regulated and any imbalances that might be significant for your well-being.

Simine Hakami asked 6 months ago
Vad exakt mäter testet? Är det produktionen, frisättningen eller återupptaget av signalsubstanserna? Eller känsligheten/mängden av målreceptorerna?
The store replied

Hej Simine,

Jag bifogar en länk till en "Test Rapport" så som den skulle se ut om du gjorde testet så kan du se om det är något du vill göra :)

https://nyehandel-storage.s3.eu-north-1.amazonaws.com/store_50a03e96-35fd-4049-98b4-02d88d6c9f28/files/media/Dummy Persson-2022-12-07.pdf

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Tyrosin asked 10 months ago
Hej. Ingår Tyrosine?
The store replied

Hej och tack för ditt meddelande,

Tyrosine ingår tyvärr bara i vårt största test Signalsubstanser XL. Om du vill handla detta test så hittar du det här: https://nordictest.se/sv/products/signalsubstanser-xl

Med rabattkoden TRY15 får du som ny kund 15% rabatt vid din beställning :)

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