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Cortisol Test - Home Test

£ 67,45

Discover your cortisol curve with our advanced test. Through multiple measurements in a day; you'll get a complete picture of your adrenal cortex hormone production. A healthy curve should be highest in the morning and gradually decrease throughout the day. Unfortunately, many suffer from tired and exhausted adrenals, resulting in too low, too high, flat, or even reversed curves.

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Description of Cortisol Test - Home Test

Our test measures bioavailable free cortisol at seven different times of the day, as only free cortisol is biologically active. Samples are sent to our technologically advanced laboratory for analysis, and you'll receive your test results within days.

Test Cortisol at Home

Take control of your health with our convenient cortisol test! Easily collect saliva samples at home. The test involves collecting saliva samples at seven different times over a 12-hour period. Morning samples are combined to give you a morning value, and in total you will receive five measures: one in the morning, one two hours after waking, one five hours after waking, one eight hours after waking, and one twelve hours after waking.

Then, your samples are sent to our laboratory for detailed analysis, and you'll receive results in a digital format. It's that easy to know your cortisol level and optimize your health! Order your cortisol test today and take the first step toward better balance in your life!

Low Cortisol Level Symptoms

  • Fatigue
  • Muscle weakness
  • Low blood pressure
  • Decreased appetite
  • Nausea
  • Irregular menstrual cycle

High Cortisol Level Symptoms

  • Weight gain
  • Fatigue
  • Susceptibility to illness
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Reduced libido
  • High blood pressure

More About Cortisol

Cortisol, often referred to as the body's "stress hormone," is released when we are under physical or emotional stress. It is produced by the adrenal glands and helps enhance our physical and mental performance in high-stress situations. However, prolonged high levels of cortisol can be harmful and directly hazardous to the body, causing effects such as elevated blood sugar levels, type 2 diabetes, and high blood pressure. Conversely, having too low cortisol in the body isn't healthy. If cortisol levels are too low, it can lead to the body expelling large amounts of sodium through urine, which can lead to potentially lethal conditions.

It's essential to be aware of the risks that might concern you. With testing, you can determine if you need further investigation into diseases that might affect cortisol levels.

Cortisol's Role in the Body and Key Questions About the Cortisol Test

Cortisol is a significant hormone in the body, performing many functions and influencing several systems. It is the primary stress hormone of the body and is released in response to physical or emotional stress. Cortisol is produced by the adrenal glands and plays a crucial role in helping us adapt and handle stressful situations.

At What Level Should Cortisol Be?

Normal cortisol levels in the body vary throughout the day. Typically, cortisol is at its highest in the morning and gradually decreases during the day. It's crucial for cortisol levels to follow this natural rhythm for the body to function properly.

What Does Having a High Cortisol Level Mean?

A high cortisol level can indicate the body is experiencing chronic stress. This can be due to factors such as overworking, lack of sleep, irregular diet, or underlying medical conditions. Prolonged high cortisol levels can be harmful, leading to many negative health effects, such as elevated blood sugar levels, type 2 diabetes, and high blood pressure.

What Does the Cortisol Test Show?

The cortisol test measures the cortisol level in the body and can provide valuable insights into how the body reacts to stress and if any imbalances exist. It can be helpful in evaluating various medical conditions and help identify causes for symptoms like fatigue, weight gain, or sleep issues.

How to Tell If You Have a Cortisol Deficiency?

A cortisol deficiency can be caused by adrenal insufficiency or other diseases affecting the adrenal glands. Symptoms of a cortisol deficiency can include fatigue, weakness, weight loss, low blood pressure, and skin discoloration. If you suspect a cortisol deficiency, it's essential to consult a physician for an accurate assessment and potentially get a cortisol test.

In summary, the cortisol test can provide valuable insights into the body's stress reaction and any imbalances in cortisol levels. It can be a helpful tool in evaluating various medical conditions and helping identify potential cortisol deficiencies.

Peter Brandt asked 8 months ago
Tager man ikke nogen prøver inden sengetid eller om natten? Er det ikke et højt niveau af kortisol om aftenen, der giver problemer med søvnen?
The store replied

Hej Peter og tak for din besked,

Testen går ud på, at du indsamler spytprøver på syv forskellige tidspunkter i løbet af en 12-timers periode. Morgenprøverne er kombineret for at give dig en morgenværdi, og i alt får du fem aflæsninger: en for morgenen, en to timer efter opvågning, en fem timer efter opvågning, en otte timer efter opvågning og en tolv timer efter. vågne op.

Dine prøver sendes derefter til vores laboratorium til præcis analyse, og du modtager dine resultater digitalt.

Med venlig hilsen

Janne Lund Kjørren asked 9 months ago
JEg tenkte å ha liggende testen som et backup og måle når kortisolet blir for lavt. Er det noen grense for hvor lenge denne kan ligge før den må brukes?
The store replied


Detta test har ingen tidslimit eller gräns för tid :)

Du kan alltså spara testet och använda det senare vid behov då detta är ett labb-test.

Med vänliga hälsningar,