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Cocaine Drug Test - Rapid Test for Personal Use 5-Pack

£ 11,95

Safe, fast, and affordable drug test for private use. With this COC test, you can be sure to get a reliable result. The test is quick to perform, and the result is available in just a few minutes.

Quick facts

The test is done at home in 5-10 minutes

Cut-off: 1000 ng/ml

Fast and discreet delivery in 2-5 days

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  • Fast delivery
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  • Discreet package

Description of Cocaine Drug Test - Rapid Test for Personal Use 5-Pack

Safe, fast, and affordable drug test for private use. With this COC test, you can be sure to get a reliable result. The test is quick to perform, and the result is available in just a few minutes. A positive result means that there is Cocaine in the test subject's urine.

Cut-off: 300 ng/ml

How long can COC be detected with this test?

Up to 3 days.

Common symptoms

Physical signs of being under the influence of cocaine include dilated pupils and tics (involuntary movements) in the face and throat, such as clenched jaws and licking lips. Typical symptoms of cocaine snorting include a swollen throat and runny nose, eczema around the nostrils, and holes in the nasal septum.

The test includes 5 COC tests.

Magdalena asked 1 year ago
Är det ett eller 2 streck som visar positivt på kokain?
The store replied

Hej Magdalena,

Här kan du se instruktioner över ditt test:

Som du ser där, ett streck vid C innebär ett positivt resultat.

Med vänliga hälsningar,
Mikaela - Nordictest