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Prostate PSA Rapid Test 5-Pack

£ 18,95

Quick Facts

Easy PSA test to perform at home.

A smart first step to ease concerns.

Shipped in discreet packaging.

This is a CE marked medical device.

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  • Fast delivery
  • Wide selection
  • Discreet package

Description of Prostate PSA Rapid Test 5-Pack

Among men, prostate cancer is the most commonly represented type of cancer. Prostate cancer can often be effectively treated by preventing its spread. However, it is important to detect and treat prostate cancer as soon as possible, and with regular prostate tests, it is easier to detect the disease before it spreads. The risk of prostate cancer increases with age, which means that older individuals should generally test themselves at shorter intervals.

The PSA test is a blood test that can be performed at home. The entire process usually takes no more than 15 minutes. Prostate tests done at home are not one hundred percent accurate, but they provide indications if something is amiss with the prostate. If your test results are normal and you still have concerns, you should still contact a doctor.

  • Shipped in discreet packaging
  • Fast home delivery
  • Prostate test in 15 minutes
  • Simple PSA test to perform at home with clear instructions included
  • Indicates whether you need to visit a doctor or healthcare center
  • A smart first step in alleviating worries
Louie asked 3 months ago
What's the expiry date on the 5 pack please?
The store replied

Hello and thank you for your message,

All our tests have a 2-year expiry date from manufacture. We keep a lot of tests in stock and in normal cases there is at least 1 year left on the expiry date of the tests we send out to our customers.


Johnny Hammarstedt asked 1 year ago
Får man fram ett exakt värde ?
The store replied

Hej Johnny och tack för ditt meddelande!

Prostatatest upptäcker förhöjda nivåer av PSA (prostataspecifikt antigen). Testet ger positivt provresultat om PSA-nivån är 4 ng/mL eller högre.

Här kan du läsa mer hur testet går till:

Med vänliga hälsningar,