The development of home testing: From herpes to the future
Published 2023-11-23 07:42 by Nordictest
Sexually transmitted diseases are nothing new, and discussions about their spread and treatment have been ongoing for centuries. In the late 19th century, there was a heated debate about syphilis, which later became known as the Great Nordic War of Sexuality. With the development of home testing, we can see a kind of revolution where individuals gain greater control over their intimate health.
In the 1800s, prostitution was a major cause of syphilis spread, as men who purchased sex on the streets brought the disease home to their families. Today, chlamydia is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases, but you don't need to visit a doctor to get an initial answer to whether you have been affected by chlamydia, gonorrhea, or perhaps herpes.
From stigma to less stigma
If we look at the development of societal discussions about sexually transmitted diseases, it has changed quite a bit. During the 19th and 20th centuries, public conversations about sexual health were surrounded by stigma and silence. The advice to abstain from intimate relationships until marriage was accepted by many.
In recent decades, taboos have diminished, but there is still some stigma surrounding sexually transmitted diseases. Before home tests became available to everyone, it was not uncommon to avoid testing due to the feeling of shame.
We can definitely say that the introduction of home test kits began to challenge the status quo with a private option for those who prefer not to visit a clinic. If we look at the development of online and app-based healthcare, this is also something that makes it much easier for people to manage symptoms suggestive of a sexually transmitted disease.
Now you can test most things at home
Modern home tests cover many different types of sexually transmitted diseases. You can test for herpes, chlamydia, gonorrhea, HIV, and syphilis. There are also combination tests where you get results for multiple infections.
Today's technology for home testing has also ensured high reliability. Therefore, this is a serious alternative for those who are not ready to discuss the issue with a gynecologist or nurse.
Simplicity has improved
The first home tests required you to send the test to a laboratory to get results. There are still tests for home use that require laboratory analysis. But nowadays, there are also rapid home tests for sexually transmitted diseases that provide results in as little as fifteen minutes.
You use a test stick to collect a small sample of secretion from a blister, your genital area, or to dip in urine. There may also be equipment for a simpler blood test. Then, you just follow the instructions and wait for the results, which come within minutes.
This way, you can have the answer to whether you have been infected within a few days. After that, you can take the necessary steps to treat and manage the infection.
User-friendliness has improved significantly, and nowadays, it is standard to receive the home test in an anonymous envelope that does not reveal its contents. Thus, we can see that the management of sexually transmitted diseases has become very discreet thanks to home tests.
Home tests change lives and perceptions
When we look at the development of home tests, it goes hand in hand with a desire as individuals to take active control of our own health. When you have a test for herpes or chlamydia, you have a tool that can help you take better care of your sexual health. This is something that gives you a sense of greater power over your own life.
With increased accessibility and prices that make tests possible for everyone, stigmatization is decreasing. It no longer feels as impossible to address the issue if you have been affected by a certain sexually transmitted disease.
Once you have tested, it can feel much easier to take the next step and actively seek care for symptoms. The most challenging part for many is wondering and worrying. Once that is over, you feel more secure, and you can turn to the type of care you want. Today, we have a wide range of possible treatments for various diseases.
The Future - Innovations and Accessibility
Ongoing research is being conducted regarding clinical tests as well as the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases. Innovation is providing us with more advanced home tests that will likely provide even faster results.
You will also find more sources for tests and better pricing. There are packages with multiple tests in one that you can get at a lower price. Perfect if you're not entirely sure whether you should test for chlamydia, gonorrhea, or syphilis. Take a look at our Könskollen plus package.
Faster care with the help of rapid tests
Being able to quickly diagnose a sexually transmitted disease is, of course, something that will lead to faster care. The more people discover the possibility of testing for herpes, syphilis, and chlamydia at home, the fewer need to wait in line at healthcare centers to determine this.
When you do visit your doctor, it is with a completely different attitude. The mystery surrounding the symptoms is solved, and now time can be spent on making the right interventions. It is also possible that there will be more and better treatment solutions in the future.
Thus, we can see that a rapid home test can lead to prompt treatment and perhaps even fast healing. This is something that can further reduce the stigma associated with these types of diseases and allow us to talk about them more openly.
Increased control over your intimate health
Last but not least, we must say that the development of home tests for sexually transmitted diseases plays a significant role in the early detection of venereal diseases. This facilitates treatment as well as preventive efforts.
If you know that the sores around your mouth are herpes, you can be cautious and avoid spreading the disease further. This is something that can make a big difference for you, those around you, and of course, society at large.
There is no doubt that home tests for sexually transmitted diseases represent a significant advancement in the field of sexual health. Above all, it is about giving individuals greater control over their own health. The field is likely to be further revolutionized in the coming years, which may pave the way for a healthier and better-informed society.