How reliable are home chlamydia tests?
Published 2023-11-14 02:14 by Nordictest
The ability to test for sexually transmitted infections at home has changed the way we approach sexual health. One of the most common sexually transmitted infections is chlamydia, and it's now quite easy to test for chlamydia infection at home.
With a home test, you can discreetly find out if you have been infected. This works in a discreet manner, but how reliable are home chlamydia tests? The answer to that question will depend on several factors.
It is important to use approved tests that provide accurate results, but we must also remember that home tests are not the same as a diagnosis. If you have symptoms suggestive of chlamydia, you may be able to confirm your concerns with a test. However, this will not replace consultation and follow-up care from an appropriate healthcare provider.
Is it really chlamydia?
This is the question you want an answer to. Discharge and pain are not necessarily sure signs of this sexually transmitted disease, even when you are certain that you have been in close contact with a person diagnosed with chlamydia.
Chlamydia symptoms can actually be something else entirely. It's important to remember this. Regardless of the result of your home test, you should follow up and get a professional diagnosis. This way, you can treat your symptoms correctly.
Symptoms that may indicate other health problems:
Symptom | Description | Other possible causes of the symptom besides chlamydia |
Pelvic pain | Pain in the lower abdomen or pelvis | Urinary tract infection, endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancy |
Painful urination | Discomfort or burning sensation during urination | Urinary tract infection, bladder infection, kidney stones |
Abnormal vaginal discharge | Increased or unusual discharge from the vagina | Bacterial vaginosis, yeast infection, gonorrhea |
Abnormal penile discharge | Discharge from the penis | Gonorrhea, urinary tract infection, yeast infection |
Painful intercourse | Discomfort or pain during sexual intercourse | Vaginal dryness, vaginal infection, endometriosis |
Bleeding between menstruations | Vaginal bleeding not associated with menstruation | Hormonal imbalance, uterine fibroids, cervical or uterine cancer |
Testicular pain | Pain or discomfort in one or both testicles | Epididymitis, testicular torsion, injury |
Pain, discharge, or bleeding from the rectum | Symptoms affecting the rectum | Hemorrhoids, anal fissures, infections in the rectum |
Understanding more about chlamydia and the prevalence of the disease
It is also important to understand what chlamydia is and how the disease spreads. Essentially, it is a bacterial infection that can be transmitted through sexual contact. In fact, chlamydia can be completely asymptomatic. Because of this, the recommendation is for sexually active individuals with different partners to test regularly.
In the USA, the recommendation is for sexually active women under 25 to test for chlamydia once a year. provides advice to test for chlamydia in case of unprotected sex or if you have symptoms.
How does the home chlamydia test work?
You receive a test in the mailbox, and it may have multiple test kits. This can be useful if you realize that you took the test too early. It is important to wait at least a week after suspected exposure to get an accurate result.
You follow the test's instructions. Depending on the type of test, you may need to take a urine sample or use a vaginal swab. There are tests that you send to a laboratory for analysis, but with our chlamydia tests here at Nordictest, you get results at home within 15 minutes.
Can the result be trusted?
Our chlamydia tests are 98% reliable, so if you have symptoms, know that you have exposed yourself to the risk of infection, and receive a positive result, it is likely correct. However, it is important to follow instructions carefully and be aware that symptoms may indicate another health problem.
A approved medical test
It is also important to choose tests that are approved. In the USA, the FDA puts its stamp on tests that have been thoroughly evaluated to ensure they are reliable. In Sweden, home tests should also undergo quality controls before being labeled as reliable.
We use CE marking, which shows that the product adheres to the regulations within the EU. When a chlamydia test is CE-marked, you know that it has undergone necessary assessments regarding safety, health, and the environment.
The Medical Products Agency can also examine medical products sold in Sweden to determine their safety. However, even if a test is CE-marked, it is up to you as a user to read the instructions carefully and find out how reliable the test is.
If you receive a positive result, you should contact a healthcare center to determine the next steps. They can provide guidelines for both treatment and additional tests and consultation.
Limitations of chlamydia home tests
There are some limitations to home tests for sexually transmitted infections. One is that they may not be as comprehensive as a visit to a healthcare center where you receive counseling in connection with your test. Because of this, after a positive home test, you may still need an examination and additional tests.
Additionally, the test will not offer care, neither physically nor mentally. You may need antibiotics as well as emotional support. If you order a chlamydia home test because you are shy, you may miss the supportive mental aspect that is inherent when discussing the issue with healthcare professionals.
Seek medical care regardless of test results
It is convenient and private with chlamydia tests for home use. If you use our tests correctly, you get high accuracy and a reliable result. But remember that a negative result is not the same as sweeping the issue under the rug.
Intimate health is incredibly important for your well-being. If you have a lifestyle that leads to situations where you experience symptoms and suspect a sexually transmitted infection, it's time to seek help. So even if your chlamydia test shows that you have not been infected, it may be time to seek medical care to address your lifestyle and lay the foundation for better health.