This test has been discontinued from our range
Instructions - Chlamydia
Before performing your test:
Thoroughly wash your hands
Read the instructions carefully
Make sure everything below is included

1. Take out the swab (A) and insert it 1-1.5 cm into the urethra/vagina. Rotate the swab repeatedly. Leave it in for 5-10 seconds.
2. Pour the contents from the small blue container labeled "CT Diluent A" (B) into the large container "Sample Tube" (D).
3. Insert the swab into the "Sample Tube" and squeeze it while rotating the swab 15 times. Keep the swab in for 2 minutes before removing it.
4. Pour the contents from the small blue container labeled "CT Diluent B" (C) into the large container "Sample Tube".
5. Insert the swab into the "Sample Tube" again and squeeze it while rotating the swab 15 times. Keep the swab in for 1 minute before removing it and putting the cap on the "Sample Tube".
6. Take out the cassette (E) and add 3 drops from the "Sample Tube" into the round hole marked “S” on the cassette. Wait and read the result after 15 minutes.
How to read your test:
Our tests are very reliable. If you have any questions about how to perform your test or how to interpret your test result, please contact our customer service; they are experts in this!